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TTI Success Insights DISC Certified (TDC®)

The Gold Standard in DISC Certification

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Upcoming DISC Certification Course

23-24 Aug. 2024


About The TTI Success Insights DISC Certification Course

Synergogy™ and TalentMetrix bring to you the 2-day DISC Certification Course –  The TTI Success Insights DISC Certified (TDC®). This certification equips you with the tools and knowledge to understand, interpret, and apply DISC assessments effectively. Ideal for HR professionals, coaches, and organizational leaders, our program enhances your ability to improve communication, teamwork, and leadership within your organization.

The DISC Accreditation is a well-known, highly regarded, and extremely versatile accreditation for any trainer, coach or consultant. The TTI Success Insights DISC Accreditation is an internationally recognised accreditation that signifies a person’s understanding of the DISC assessment. The CPBA (Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst) is a highly sought after designation around the globe and our accreditation process will help you earn it. If you are looking for an accreditation process to help you understand and apply the DISC model, our DISC Accreditation is a powerful addition to your qualifications.

Not all DISC providers are equal. Don’t be fooled by cheap marketing tag lines like “advanced”, “super-charged” or “extended”. Get your DISC accreditation with the company that literally wrote the book on DISC.

Any armchair psychologist can create a questionnaire, call it “DISC”, and proceed to sell it online making wild claims about reliability and validity — and many do. The assessment market has become flooded with dozens of “DISC”-named products, many without any validation data to support the claims made by the companies selling them. Don’t assume all DISC assessments and accreditations are offering the same quality. While the basics of the model might be similar, the science behind the assessment is what drives your success. Don’t put your business at risk! Do the research. Shop around. Probe. Ask questions. Understand the differences before choosing a partner for your business.


23-24 Aug. 2024

Virtual Instructor Led - English
$ 1500
  • 07:00 - 15:30 UTC
  • Professional Certification
  • 2 Additional DISC Reports Free
  • Conducted on Zoom
Fast Filling

20-21 Sep. 2024

Virtual Instructor Led - English
$ 1500
  • 07:00 - 15:30 UTC
  • Professional Certification
  • 2 Additional DISC Reports Free
  • Conducted on Zoom

22-23 Nov. 2024

Virtual Instructor Led - English
$ 1500
  • 07:00 - 15:30 UTC
  • Professional Certification
  • 2 Additional DISC Reports Free
  • Conducted on Zoom

Trusted by Brands Globally

TTI Success Insights DISC Certification
Course Content

Module 1

Introduction to DISC theory.

Module 2


Module 3

Performance & Behaviors

Module 4

DISC Graphs - Construct

Module 5

Reading and interpreting the DISC graph and Success Insights Wheel.

Module 6

Understanding Blending & Adaptation with Me-Me, Me-Job and Me-You conflicts.

Module 7

Using DISC for hiring, team building & leadership development.

Module 8

Coaching and Development Techniques - How to debrief a DISC report.

Who Should Attend?

Course Benefits

Course Methodology

DISC Report - Version Sample

 TTI Success Insights® DISC assessment gives the most complete picture of an individual’s behavior. Our DISC differentiates your natural style from your adapted, and also incorporates the neurological pathway differences between what you say you are and what you say you are not.

DISC Profile Assessment Report

TTI Success Insights® DISC

Talent is a combination of many factors, one of which is behavior. The TTI Success Insights® DISC report guides the employee and manager in leveraging behavior for success. DISC is the universal language of observable human behavior, or “how we act”. It’s a non-threatening and non-judgmental tool that simply measures an individual’s behaviors, or how they communicate.

Measured in four proportions (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance), the DISC assessment reveals how an individual will perform, including how they prefer to communicate, what he or she will bring to a team, his or her ideal environment and possible limitations he or she may face.

Our behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. TTI Success Insights has been in the Top 20 Companies for Assessment & Evaluation by Training Industry for more than a decade.

DISC Profile Assessment
DISC Profile DNA

How is DISC Measured

TTI’s DISC assessment reliably measures four dimensions of behavior, which are each associated with a behavioral style:

  • How you respond to problems or challenges – Dominance
  • How you influence others to your point of view – Influence
  • How you respond to the pace of the environment – Steadiness
  • How you respond to rules and procedures – Compliance

The results of  TTI Success Insights® DISC assessment reveal an individual’s high and low placement in each of the four dimensions that make up their unique natural and adapted behavioral styles. This is depicted by two illustrations, TTI’s Style Insights® Graphs and the Success Insights® Wheel.

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Frequently asked questions

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What does DISC stand for?

DISC assesses four primary behavioral styles: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance(C). Each style has unique characteristics and preferences as well as unique strengths and limitations.

DISC is popular because it’s a practical, easy-to-understand assessment that helps individuals better understand their own behavioral competencies and those of others. It enhances communication, team dynamics, and personal growth.

Is DISC a personality tool?​

Contrary to popular belief, DISC is not a personality tool. Two main tools to measure personality are objective tests and projective measures. Examples of such tests are the: Big Five Inventory (BFI), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), Rorschach Inkblot test, Neurotic Personality Questionnaire KON-2006 or Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R).

Why is DISC not a test?​

DISC is a universal language of communication that measures ‘how’ people choose to do what they do. There are no right or wrong answers while assessing DISC. It’s better referred to as an assessment or profile.

Can my DISC profile change over time?​

Your core or natural DISC styles remain stable over time, unless you undergo major traumatic or value changing experiences. Your adapted styles on the other hand change quite frequently depending on changes in factors that impact your environment/you.

Why should I take the DISC assessment?

Taking the DISC assessment can provide insights into your behavioral preferences, improve your communication skills, enhance your understanding of others, and aid in personal and professional development.

A DISC report provides detailed information about your primary and adapted DISC style, how you prefer to communicate, your strengths, potential challenges, and strategies for effective interaction with other styles.

Who are eligible to take the DISC assessment?

The DISC assessment is suitable for individuals of various ages and backgrounds. It’s widely used in corporate settings but can also be beneficial for personal development. It can be used for professionals as well as students. It can be used for personal or professional purposes. A recommended age for taking this assessment is 16 years and above.

Is the DISC assessment free?

Generally, the DISC assessment is provided by certified professionals and may have a cost associated with it. However, some basic versions may be available online for free.

Do I need to complete this assessment at one sitting?

It’s recommended to complete the assessment in one sitting to ensure consistency and accuracy, but it usually takes only 15-20 minutes to complete.

What are the benefits of the DISC assessment?

Benefits include improved self-awareness, enhanced communication skills, better team dynamics, conflict resolution, and personal and professional development.

Is the DISC assessment accurate?

While no behavioral assessment is 100% accurate, DISC is a well-researched tool that provides reliable insights into behavioral preferences and styles. Depending on who you purchase the DISC report from and how valid and reliable their tool is.

How many combinations of the DISC styles exist?

There are primary DISC styles, but individuals often exhibit a blend of styles. The number of combinations can be quite extensive, reflecting the complexity of human behavior. Bill Bonnstetter, the founder of Target Training International was the first to computerise DISC in 1984. Our version of DISC Success Insights comes with 384 possible permutations of the natural and 384 possible permutations of the adapted styles giving you millions of possible combinations – each unique to the individual being assessed.

Dos and Don’ts of DISC.

Do use DISC to understand and appreciate differences. Don’t use it to label or pigeonhole people (Stereotyping).

Do apply it for team building and communication. Don’t use it as the sole criterion for employment decisions.

How can the DISC assessment be used in the workplace?

DISC Success Insights is widely used in the workplace for a variety of purposes. Here are possible applications of DISC at the workplace:

  1. Team Building: DISC can help in understanding team dynamics and improving teamwork by highlighting each team member’s communication style and preferences.

  2. Leadership Development: Leaders can use DISC to adapt their management style to better suit the needs of their team members.

  3. Conflict Resolution: Understanding different DISC styles can assist in resolving conflicts by recognizing the root causes based on differing communication styles or priorities.

  4. Improving Communication: DISC can be used to tailor communication strategies to suit different team members, leading to more effective and efficient interactions.

  5. Employee Engagement: By understanding the motivational needs of different DISC profiles, managers can boost employee engagement and job satisfaction.

  6. Recruitment and Selection: DISC profiles can aid in determining whether a candidate’s behavioral style aligns with the role and team they are being considered for.

  7. Career Development: Individuals can use their DISC profiles to identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding their professional development.

  8. Sales Training: Sales professionals can use DISC to understand and adapt to the buying styles of different clients, improving sales effectiveness.

  9. Change Management: DISC assessments can help managers understand how different team members might perceive and react to change, and plan accordingly.

  10. Customer Service Improvement: Understanding DISC profiles helps customer service teams adapt their approach to suit different types of customers.

  11. Performance Management: DISC can be used to provide personalized feedback and development plans based on an employee’s behavioral style.

  12. Workplace Culture Analysis: DISC assessments can provide insights into the overall behavioral style of an organization, helping to shape or understand its culture.

  13. Stress Management: Recognizing how different DISC types react to stress can help in developing more effective stress management strategies.

  14. Enhancing Creativity and Innovation: Understanding the diverse perspectives and approaches of different DISC styles can foster a more creative and innovative environment.

  15. Personalized Coaching: Coaches and mentors can use DISC to tailor their approach to the individual needs and styles of their mentees.

Can the DISC assessment be used for personal development?

DISC assessment can be an extremely valuable tool for personal development. By understanding your own DISC profile, you can gain insights into your personal behavioral style, including your strengths, challenges, and how you typically respond to certain situations. Here are some ways in which the DISC assessment can be used for personal development:

  1. Self-Awareness: DISC helps in understanding your own behavior, communication style, and motivations, which is the first step in personal growth.

  2. Communication Skills: Knowing your DISC style can help you identify the most effective ways for you to communicate with others, and understand how to adapt your style when necessary.

  3. Stress Management: DISC can provide insights into how you respond to stress and pressure, allowing you to develop strategies to manage stress more effectively.

  4. Conflict Resolution: Understanding your behavioral tendencies can help you recognize potential sources of conflict in your interactions with others and find more constructive ways to resolve them.

  5. Relationship Building: By understanding your DISC profile, you can better appreciate how your behavior affects others, leading to improved relationships both personally and professionally.

  6. Career Development: DISC can guide you in identifying career paths and roles that align with your natural strengths and preferred working style.

  7. Leadership Skills: If you are in a leadership role or aspire to be, DISC can help you understand how to lead people with different styles effectively.

  8. Teamwork: Even in non-leadership roles, understanding your DISC profile can improve your ability to work in a team by recognizing how your style complements or contrasts with others.

  9. Personal Goal Setting: Insights from your DISC assessment can inform your personal goals, helping you focus on areas that align with your strengths or need development.

  10. Emotional Intelligence: DISC can help in developing emotional intelligence by fostering an understanding of your emotional responses and how they impact your behavior and interactions with others.

  11. Motivation: Understanding what motivates you according to your DISC profile can help in finding ways to stay motivated and engaged in both personal and professional pursuits.

  12. Problem-Solving: DISC can offer insights into how you approach problems and challenges, allowing you to develop more effective problem-solving strategies.

  13. Adaptability: Knowing your DISC style can help you recognize situations where you might need to adapt your natural style to be more effective.

  14. Time Management: DISC profiles can provide clues about your time management preferences and challenges, helping you develop better strategies to manage your time.

  15. Personal Fulfillment: By understanding and aligning your actions with your natural behavioral style, you can achieve a greater sense of personal fulfillment and well-being.

What is the most common or rarest DISC style?

Determining the most common or rarest DISC style is challenging because the prevalence of each DISC profile can vary significantly based on the population being studied, the context, culture and the methodology of the research. 

Can I have one style at work and another at home?

Absolutely, it’s quite common for individuals to exhibit different DISC styles in different environments, such as at work versus at home. This phenomenon is largely due to the adaptability of human behavior in response to varying contexts and expectations. 

  1. Context-Dependent Behavior: People often adjust their behavior based on the environment and the people around them. For instance, a person might display a more dominant and assertive behavior (high D) at work due to the nature of their job or workplace culture, but might be more steady and cooperative (high S) in their home life, where a different approach is needed.

  2. Role Expectations: The roles we play in different areas of our lives can influence our behavior. A person might be a manager at work, which requires a certain level of assertiveness and decision-making (traits associated with high D or C), but the same person might be more relaxed and easy-going (traits associated with high I or S) in a family setting.

  3. Stress and Comfort Levels: In more comfortable and familiar settings, such as at home, individuals might naturally revert to their inherent DISC style. In contrast, workplace stress or the need to meet professional expectations can lead someone to adopt a different style.

  4. Adaptation for Success: In professional settings, individuals often consciously or subconsciously adapt their DISC style to what they perceive as necessary for success. This adaptation can be influenced by the company culture, the specific demands of their job, or their perceptions of what constitutes effective professional behavior.

  5. Awareness and Management: People who are aware of their DISC profiles might intentionally manage or adapt their behavior in different settings to achieve better outcomes. For instance, someone might consciously use a more Influential (high I) style in a social setting to connect with friends, even if their natural style is more Conscientious (high C).

Can my DISC profile predict what job I might be best at?

Your DISC profile can provide valuable insights into the types of work environments and roles that might suit you best, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t predict or determine your job capabilities or success. DISC profiles are more about understanding your preferred style of behavior and communication, rather than dictating your skills or abilities. 

  1. Alignment with Job Roles: Certain DISC profiles may naturally align with the typical demands of specific job roles. For example, a high D (Dominance) profile might thrive in roles requiring decisive action and leadership, like management or entrepreneurship, while a high I (Influence) profile might excel in roles that involve communication and persuasion, such as sales or public relations.

  2. Work Environment Preferences: Your DISC profile can indicate the type of work environment in which you might be most comfortable or productive. Someone with a high S (Steadiness) profile might prefer a stable, predictable environment, while a high C (Conscientiousness) profile might seek out roles that require attention to detail and precision, such as in finance or engineering.

  3. Interpersonal Interactions: Understanding your DISC style can help you identify the types of teams and organizational cultures where you will work most effectively. For instance, individuals with a high I profile usually enjoy collaborative and social environments, whereas those with a high C profile might prefer working independently.

  4. Career Development: DISC can be a tool for personal development, helping you identify areas for growth that could expand your career options. For example, if your profile suggests challenges with assertiveness or decision-making (traits associated with D), you might focus on developing these areas to pursue leadership roles.

  5. Job Satisfaction: Knowing your DISC profile can help you understand what might make you more or less satisfied in a job. If your job is congruent with your behavioral style, you’re likely to be more satisfied and engaged.

  6. Adaptability: While DISC can suggest environments and roles where you might naturally excel, it’s also a reminder of the value of adaptability. Understanding your DISC profile can help you recognize areas where you might need to adapt your style to different job requirements or work environments.

  7. Career Exploration: For those unsure about their career path, DISC can provide a starting point for exploring suitable roles that align with their natural behavioral tendencies.

Which DISC style makes the best leaders?

The idea that a specific DISC profile inherently makes the “best” leader is a bit of a misconception. Leadership effectiveness is influenced by a multitude of factors, including but not limited to one’s behavioral style. Each DISC style has its unique strengths and potential challenges when it comes to leadership. It’s not what style you have that determines success, it’s what you do with the style you have that is the real determinant of how successful you may be at work or in life.

Should teams have a mix of all DISC styles?

Having a mix of all DISC styles in a team can be highly beneficial for several reasons. Diversity in behavioral styles contributes to a more balanced, dynamic, and effective team. 

  1. Complementary Strengths: Each DISC style brings its own strengths to a team. For instance, D styles often excel in decision-making and leading efforts, I styles are great at motivating and persuading, S styles provide consistency and team support, and C styles are adept at analysis and attention to detail. A team that includes all these styles can leverage a wider range of strengths.

  2. Balanced Perspectives: Different DISC styles contribute different perspectives to problem-solving and decision-making. This diversity can lead to more innovative solutions and help avoid groupthink, where teams become blind to alternatives outside their collective comfort zone.

  3. Enhanced Communication: A mix of styles can improve communication within the team. Different members may naturally communicate in different ways, and having a variety of styles can help ensure that communication is effective for everyone.

  4. Adaptability: Teams with a variety of DISC styles may be more adaptable to changing circumstances. For example, D and I styles may excel in fast-paced, changing environments, while S and C styles may provide stability and consistency in more structured settings.

  5. Role Suitability: Different DISC styles may naturally align with different roles within a team. For example, a D style might naturally take on leadership roles, while an I style might be more suited to roles that require networking and outreach.

  6. Conflict Management: Understanding different DISC styles can help in managing and resolving conflicts within a team. It allows team members to appreciate where others are coming from and why they may behave in certain ways.

  7. Learning and Development: Working with a diverse range of styles can be a learning opportunity for team members. It encourages individuals to develop a more flexible approach and learn to interact effectively with a variety of people.

However, it’s also important to note that simply having a mix of DISC styles doesn’t automatically lead to a successful team. The key is how these styles are understood and managed. Teams need to be aware of their different styles and actively work on leveraging their strengths while compensating for their weaknesses. Effective leadership and team development practices are crucial in helping diverse teams work together effectively.

What is the energy line?

In the context of DISC assessments, particularly those offered by certain providers like TTI Success Insights, the “Energy Line” is a concept used to help interpret the results. Here’s an explanation of what it represents and how it’s used:

  1. Definition: The Energy Line in a DISC report typically represents a benchmark or average line that divides high energy traits from low energy traits. It is often set at a specific point on the graph of a DISC assessment result, such as at the midpoint of the scale.

  2. High Energy Traits: Traits above the Energy Line are considered to be more natural or comfortable for the individual. These are the behaviors that a person will likely exhibit when they are in a relaxed, stress-free environment. They come naturally and require less effort from the individual.

  3. Low Energy Traits: Traits below the Energy Line are seen as less natural or comfortable. These behaviors can still be exhibited by the individual, but they typically require more conscious effort and energy. They may not come as naturally and could be more draining for the individual to maintain over long periods.

  4. Understanding Adaptability: The Energy Line can also be used to understand how a person adapts their behavior in different situations. For instance, if a person’s natural style (typically shown in a graph as the “Natural Style” or “Basic Graph”) is above the line but their adapted style (shown in a separate graph as the “Adapted Style” or “Pressure Graph”) falls below the line, it indicates that they are adapting or stretching their natural tendencies to meet the demands of their environment, which might be due to workplace requirements, social expectations, etc.

  5. Application: In practical terms, understanding where traits fall in relation to the Energy Line can be helpful in personal development, coaching, and team dynamics. For instance, if a trait that is crucial for a particular job role falls below the Energy Line for an individual, it might suggest that the role could be more challenging for them or require more effort to sustain certain behaviors.

  6. Tailoring Approach: This concept helps in tailoring development programs and management styles. If a manager knows that a certain behavior falls below an employee’s Energy Line, they can provide more support or structure to help the employee succeed.

It’s important to note that the Energy Line is just one part of a comprehensive DISC assessment and should be interpreted in the context of the full report and an individual’s overall profile. Also, different DISC assessment providers might use slightly different terminology or methods, so the concept of the Energy Line might vary or be named differently across different DISC tools.

Do you offer a DISC certification program?

Yes, Target Training International, Success Insights offers DISC certification programs for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding and application of DISC assessments.

The CPBA, or Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst, is a certification offered by TTI Success Insights (or other affiliated organizations), which specializes in DISC assessments and other talent management tools. This certification is designed for professionals who want to deepen their understanding of human behavior and apply this knowledge in various settings, such as coaching, leadership development, team building, and human resources. Let’s break down what this certification typically involves:

  1. Training: The CPBA certification usually involves a comprehensive training program that covers the theories behind the DISC assessment, how to interpret DISC results, and how to apply this understanding in a practical, real-world context.

  2. DISC Model: Participants learn in-depth about the DISC model, which includes the four primary behavioral traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The training covers how these traits manifest in behavior and communication styles.

  3. Assessment Interpretation: A key component of the training is learning how to accurately interpret DISC assessment results. This includes understanding the graphs and reports generated by DISC assessments and being able to explain these results to individuals and teams.

  4. Application: The certification teaches how to apply DISC knowledge in various contexts. This might include coaching individuals based on their DISC profile, helping teams understand their dynamics and improve collaboration, or guiding organizations in employee development and placement.

  5. Ethics and Best Practices: The program also covers the ethical considerations and best practices in using behavioral assessments, ensuring that certified professionals use DISC responsibly and effectively.

  6. Certification Exam: Typically, to earn the CPBA certification, participants must complete the training and pass an examination that tests their knowledge of the DISC model and their ability to apply this knowledge.

  7. Professional Development: The CPBA is often pursued by professionals in coaching, consulting, human resources, organizational development, and leadership development. It is seen as a way to enhance their professional toolkit and offer more value to their clients or organizations.

  8. Continuous Learning: In some cases, maintaining a CPBA certification may require ongoing learning or recertification processes to ensure that professionals stay updated with the latest developments in the field.

What is included in DiSC workshops?
Can DiSC training be rescheduled or cancelled?
​Are face-to-face DiSC trainings available?
What is the duration of virtual and in-person DiSC workshops?
Is there a minimum number of participants required for DiSC workshops?
Who are eligible to take the DISC assessment?

The DISC assessment is suitable for individuals of various ages and backgrounds. It’s widely used in corporate settings but can also be beneficial for personal development. It can be used for professionals as well as students. It can be used for personal or professional purposes. A recommended age for taking this assessment is 16 years and above.

Can someone have traits from each DISC style?

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