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HomeConflict Management Using DISC

Conflict Management Using DISC

Master Conflict Management Using DISC: Transform Conflict into Collaboration.

Conflict Management using DISC

Navigate Conflicts Management with Confidence: Using DISC-Based Conflict Management by Synergogy.

Conflict Management Using DISC

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DISC Reports - Customer Service Version


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Elevate Your Team's Conflict Management Skills using DISC

This in-depth workshop provides attendees with the necessary skills to manage conflicts efficiently, focusing on understanding varied behavioral/emotions styles using DISC profiling. Conflict Management using DISC teaches strategies to enhance communication skills and handle difficult situations effectively. Participants will gain insights into adapting their interaction styles to meet diverse needs, ensuring productive and harmonious conflict resolution.

Course Content

Conflict Management using DISC t is a comprehensive program designed to enhance conflict management skills through the application of DISC assessment. The Conflict Management using DISC workshop equips participants with the tools to understand diverse behaviors, improve communication strategies, and deal with conflicts to crete win-win outcomes. Participants will learn to leverage DISC profiling to identify various style patterns and emotions, adapt their communication style, and manage challenging conflicts effectively.

Introduction to DISC

Brief introduction of DISC, its construct and history.

DNA of DISC Assessment

Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Compliance.

Self-Discovery using DISC

Discovering personal strengths and weaknesses using your own DISC profile.

Understanding Conflict

Definition and types of conflict in the workplace.

Causes and Triggers of Conflict

Common causes in the workplace. Recognizing early signs of conflict.

Impact of Conflict on Teams

Case studies: Analyzing real-world scenarios.

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Communication Skills in Conflict Resolution. Role-play exercises.

Problem-Solving Techniques

Finding win-win solutions. Practical exercises and group activities.

Dealing with Difficult Situations

Handling aggression, passive-aggressive behavior, and avoidance.

Self Reflection using DISC

Understanding own strengths and limitations and using them to create personal strategies.

Applying Learning to Workplace

Participants engage in role-plays / real-plays based on common workplace conflicts.

Post Training Action Planning

Developing personal action plans for Conflict Management using DISC.

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Course materials

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Choose from a range of solutions to suit your every need. Our course can be customised to your industry or business unit context. What’s more, we are happy to deliver this course face to face or in virtual, instructor-led formats.


With a minimum of 12 participants, bring this course in-house.

Virtual Online

Experience this course in a virtual setting with live instructor-led sessions.

Flexi Duration

Tailor the duration of this course to perfectly suit your schedule.

Full Customization

Happy to customize this course for a particular business unit or budget. 

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Customer Service

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Personal Development

Advance your personal development by utilizing the DISC framework to deepen self-understanding and enhance your interpersonal relationships.

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Leadership Coaching

Foster personal growth by leveraging the DISC framework, enhancing self-awareness and interpersonal skills for holistic personal development.

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Communication Skills

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First Time Managers

For new managers, enhance leadership & team management skills using the DISC framework, fostering effective team management and productivity.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Conflict Management Using DISC.

What is Conflict Management?

Conflict management is the strategic handling of disputes and disagreements to achieve constructive outcomes. It involves employing effective communication techniques, like active listening and clear, assertive expression, and using specific processes and tools to navigate and settle conflicts in a manner that respects all parties involved. The goal is to collaboratively work towards solutions that address concerns and improve relationships, whether between individuals, within teams, or across organizations.

What are the common conflict management styles?

There are five widely recognized conflict management styles, each with its unique approach to resolving disagreements:

  • Collaboration: Seeking a win-win situation by addressing the needs and concerns of all parties involved.
  • Competing: Asserting one’s viewpoint at the potential expense of another, often used in a zero-sum or high-stakes situations.
  • Avoiding: Deliberately sidestepping the conflict or delaying its resolution, sometimes to prevent escalation or when the issue is trivial.
  • Accommodating: Prioritizing the relationship over one’s own interests by conceding to the other party’s demands.
  • Compromising: Finding a middle ground where each party makes concessions to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.
What are the common sources of conflict?

In the realm of conflict management, it is crucial to understand the root causes of discord within a team or organization. Here are the primary sources:

  • Differing Facts: Conflicts often arise from varied understandings or interpretations of information, leading to disagreements over what is true or factual.
  • Conflicting Goals: When individuals or teams have different objectives, it can lead to a clash in what each party is trying to achieve.
  • Disparate Methods: Variances in preferred processes or approaches to tasks and problem-solving can lead to conflict, particularly when there is no agreed-upon method.
  • Incompatible Values: The most profound conflicts can occur when there is a fundamental misalignment in core beliefs and principles between team members or groups within an organization.
What are the impacts of conflicts in the workplace?
  • Decreased Morale: Conflicts can erode team spirit and lead to a demotivated workforce.
  • Reduced Productivity: Persistent disagreements often result in less effective work output.
  • Increased Absenteeism: Employees may avoid the workplace to escape conflict.
  • Damaged Relationships: Disputes can lead to lasting rifts between colleagues.
  • Negative Impact on Health: Stress from conflict can contribute to health issues.
  • High Turnover Rates: Frequent conflicts can drive employees to leave the organization.
  • Impaired Communication: Conflict can disrupt open and effective communication.
  • Compromised Decision-Making: Tension can lead to poor or hasty decisions.
  • Increased Workload: Conflicts can cause delays and extra work for teams.
  • Negative Organizational Culture: Ongoing conflicts can create a toxic workplace environment.
  • Legal Issues: Disputes can escalate to legal challenges or lawsuits.
  • Customer and Client Impact: The effects of internal conflicts may spill over and affect service quality.
  • Difficulty in Attracting Talent: A conflict-ridden reputation can deter potential employees.
  • Loss of Innovation and Creativity: Stress and tension can stifle creative thinking and innovation.
  • Strained Leadership: Conflicts can test and weaken leadership effectiveness.
Why is conflict management important?

Conflict management is essential for fostering a positive work environment where each individual feels respected and heard. Effective management of conflict boosts communication and relationships, leading to enhanced interpersonal dynamics and understanding. This, in turn, increases productivity by allowing teams to concentrate on their objectives without the distraction of unresolved disputes. Moreover, a workspace that is free from conflict is conducive to innovation and creativity, as it encourages collaborative problem-solving and the generation of new ideas.


Moreover, conflict management is critical in preventing disagreements from escalating into more significant issues. It improves decision-making by ensuring that choices are made clearly and without the hindrance of unresolved tensions. Teams become stronger through conflict management, as it builds trust and fosters a culture of collaboration. Additionally, it aids in the development of emotional intelligence, enhancing the ability to adeptly navigate emotions and interpersonal dynamics.


Managing conflict effectively also contributes to the reduction of stress and burnout, thereby safeguarding mental health. It highlights strong leadership and problem-solving skills, which are key to effective leadership. Furthermore, by promoting a culture where feedback is valued, conflict management encourages continuous improvement within the team or organization. Lastly, it serves to preserve the reputation of the organization, enhancing its image both internally and externally.

What are the common causes of conflict in the workplace?

Conflicts in the workplace can arise from a multitude of sources:

  • Communication Issues: Misunderstandings due to differing communication styles or lack of clear dialogue.
  • Interpersonal Disagreements: Clashes in personality or personal values can lead to friction.
  • Resource Scarcity: Competition for limited resources can create tension.
  • Goal Misalignment: When individual or departmental objectives do not align, it can result in conflict.
  • Power Dynamics: Disputes over authority and control often lead to conflict.
  • Role Uncertainty: Ambiguity in job responsibilities can cause overlap and disagreements.
  • Performance and Management: Inadequate training, poor management, and unclear expectations contribute to workplace strife.
  • Work Conditions: A challenging or inequitable work environment can be a significant source of discontent.
  • Discrimination: Bullying, harassment, lack of equal opportunities, and unfair treatment are serious issues that can lead to disputes.
  • Cultural Differences: Diverse backgrounds can sometimes lead to misunderstandings if not appropriately managed.
  • Recognition and Leadership: Lack of acknowledgment or ineffective leadership can foster conflict.
  • Change Management: Poorly managed change can unsettle teams and lead to resistance.
  • Personal Stressors: External personal issues affecting work performance can also be a cause.
  • Team Dynamics: Dysfunctional team interaction often results in conflict.
  • Biases and Perceptions: Stereotypes or perceived unfairness can create undercurrents of conflict.
How can conflicts be resolved in the workplace?

Effective conflict resolution in the workplace can be achieved through a variety of strategies:

  • Open Communication: Encourage a culture where concerns can be expressed openly and without fear of retribution.
  • Active Listening: Ensure all parties feel heard by practicing attentive and empathetic listening.
  • Problem Definition: Clearly define the issue at hand to understand the conflict fully.
  • Seeking Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement that can form the basis for a solution.
  • Use “I” Statements: Communicate personal perspectives without placing blame.
  • Emotional Detachment: Strive to separate personal feelings from the problem to focus on the issue.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Work together to find a mutually beneficial resolution.
  • Mediation: Engage a neutral third party to facilitate dialogue and understanding.
  • Clear Guidelines: Establish and enforce policies that outline acceptable behavior and conflict resolution procedures.
  • Conflict Resolution Training: Equip staff with the skills to handle disputes effectively.
  • Leadership Involvement: Have leaders model and support conflict resolution efforts.
  • Realistic Expectations: Set achievable goals for resolution and workplace behavior.
  • Documenting Agreements: Keep written records of agreements to ensure clarity and accountability.
  • Follow-Up: Check in with involved parties to ensure the conflict remains resolved.
  • Learning from Conflict: Use each conflict as an opportunity to improve personal and organizational practices.


What strategies can be employed to prevent conflicts in the workplace?

To proactively prevent conflicts in the workplace, consider implementing these strategies:

  • Foster a Positive Culture: Cultivate an environment that values respect, collaboration, and open communication.
  • Clear Communication: Maintain transparency and clarity in all forms of communication to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Define Roles: Ensure that each team member understands their responsibilities and the expectations placed upon them.
  • Team Building: Regular team-building activities can strengthen relationships and promote understanding.
  • Conflict Resolution Training: Equip employees with the skills to manage and resolve conflicts should they arise.
  • Policies and Procedures: Have clear, fair policies and procedures in place that address conflict management.
  • Open Door Policies: Encourage leadership to be approachable, allowing employees to share concerns freely.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Conduct frequent meetings to discuss issues and gauge team morale.
  • Recognition and Feedback: Acknowledge good work and provide constructive feedback to build a culture of appreciation.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Ensure that expectations and goals are achievable, which can reduce stress and potential conflict.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Embrace diversity and create inclusive spaces where all voices are heard and valued.
  • Grievance Resolution: Implement a fair and effective process for addressing complaints and grievances.
  • Conflict Coaching: Offer coaching to help individuals navigate and resolve disputes effectively.
  • Address Negative Behaviors: Take immediate action against bullying and harassment to prevent toxic workplace dynamics.
  • Lead by Example: Leadership should model the behavior and approaches they expect from their team.
What role does communication play in conflict management?

Communication is the cornerstone of effective conflict management. It facilitates understanding by allowing parties to express their perspectives and listen to others, which is vital for resolving misunderstandings and developing joint solutions. Models like the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument underscore the importance of assertiveness and cooperativeness in communication, offering a framework to approach conflict with varying strategies.


Building on this, the dual concern model adds a focus on the value of relationships, advocating for a collaborative style that prioritizes both individual goals and the relationship’s health. The interest-based relational (IBR) approach takes this further, aiming for a win-win scenario by addressing the underlying needs and interests of the parties involved rather than just superficial demands. This approach requires a foundation of trust, understanding, and respect, achieved through active listening, effective problem-solving, and adept negotiation skills. Together, these models highlight that strategic communication is not just about talking but also about listening, understanding, and forging connections that transform conflict into a constructive dialogue.

What are some key skills for effective conflict management?

Effective conflict management relies on a diverse set of skills that facilitate understanding, resolution, and positive outcomes, including:

  • Active Listening: Fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said.
  • Problem-Solving: The ability to find solutions to difficult or complex issues.
  • Facilitation and Mediation: Assisting the parties in a conflict to find a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Assertiveness: Communicating one’s needs, thoughts, and feelings confidently without aggression.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Conveying messages through body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
  • Humor: Appropriately using light-heartedness to diffuse tension.
  • Decision-Making: Making choices that resolve conflicts in a fair and responsible manner.
How can leaders promote a culture of conflict resolution within a team or organization?

Leaders are pivotal in cultivating a culture of conflict resolution within teams and organizations. They set the standard by exemplifying conflict resolution skills in their behavior. Clear expectations for conflict resolution are communicated, and team members are provided with training to develop these skills. Open channels of communication are established to ensure transparency and honesty in interactions.


Feedback is not only encouraged but also valued at all organizational levels, fostering an environment where active listening is a priority and different viewpoints are considered. Positive behaviors that lead to effective conflict resolution are recognized and rewarded, while clear grievance processes are implemented to address and resolve issues.


Leaders must also foster collaboration, encouraging a team-based approach to resolving conflicts and addressing them early to prevent escalation. They provide mediation resources for more complex disputes and define team norms that support a healthy approach to conflict management.


A growth mindset is promoted, instilling the belief that conflict resolution skills can improve with effort. Constructive feedback is encouraged, ensuring it is specific, actionable, and delivered with kindness. Leaders regularly assess and adjust team dynamics for continuous improvement and engage in individual conversations to understand team members’ perspectives and needs.


Finally, leaders help in depersonalizing conflict, guiding team members to focus on the issue rather than personal attributes, thereby maintaining a professional and productive work environment.


What is the difference between constructive and destructive conflict?

The key difference between constructive and destructive conflict lies in their outcomes, approaches, behaviors, and impacts on relationships:

  • Constructive Conflict:
    • Outcomes: Leads to growth, learning, and innovation; fosters better understanding and creative solutions.
    • Resolution: Focuses on collaboratively addressing the underlying issues to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
    • Approach and Behavior: Emphasizes a positive, open mindset aimed at improvement and collaboration; involves respectful communication, active listening, and a willingness to understand and integrate diverse perspectives without personal attacks.
    • Impact on Relationships: Strengthens relationships and builds trust, contributing to a healthy team dynamic and a positive organizational culture over time.
  • Destructive Conflict:
    • Outcomes: Results in resentment, hostility, and a decline in morale; can escalate to create a hostile environment.
    • Resolution: Often lacks effective resolution; may involve blame and personal attacks with a focus on winning at the other’s expense.
    • Approach and Behavior: Characterized by negativity, defensiveness, aggression, and an unwillingness to listen or empathize; behaviors are aimed at undermining the other party.
    • Impact on Relationships: Strains and erodes trust in relationships, leading to long-term damage and potentially creating a toxic work environment.

Understanding these distinctions is vital for leaders and team members to navigate conflicts effectively, ensuring they lead to positive outcomes rather than detrimental ones.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in conflict management?

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly enhance the effectiveness of conflict management:

  • Avoiding the Conflict: Neglecting conflicts can lead to escalation and a breakdown in relationships.
  • Overgeneralizing: Making sweeping statements can cloud the specific issues at hand.
  • Rigid Mindsets: Insisting on a single “right” way can prevent the exploration of alternative, viable solutions.
  • Poor Listening: Active listening is essential for understanding all sides; failing to do so can result in unresolved issues.
  • Making Assumptions: Assuming you know others’ thoughts or intentions can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Blame Game: Pointing fingers without addressing the problem can create defensiveness and hinder resolution.
  • Winning Over Resolving: Trying to “win” an argument can damage relationships and prevent genuine solutions.
  • Stonewalling: Refusing to communicate or engage with the conflict can halt progress towards resolution.
  • Personal Attacks: Character attacks escalate conflicts and damage professional relationships.
  • Avoiding or Escalating: Both extremes prevent effective conflict resolution.
  • Not Following Up: It’s crucial to ensure that agreed-upon actions are implemented.
  • Failing to Empathize: Understanding others’ feelings is vital for resolving conflicts amicably.
  • Ignoring Underlying Issues: Addressing only surface issues can lead to recurring conflicts.
  • Unclear Boundaries: Without clear expectations, conflicts can arise from misunderstandings.
  • Excluding Relevant Parties: All stakeholders should be involved for a comprehensive resolution.
  • Non-constructive Feedback: Feedback should be aimed at improvement, not just criticism.
  • Not Learning from Conflicts: Use past conflicts as learning opportunities to avoid repeating mistakes.

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