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Agile Culture

Is your company culture truly agile?

Future workplaces need to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. The pace of change has changed itself. An agile culture provides an organisation with a set of behaviors and leadership that allow it to prosper in a marketplace riddled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

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Infosys OKRs
Accenture OKRs
Infosys OKRs

What is Agile Culture?

An agile culture is a set of shared assumptions that guide employee behaviors – behaviors that allow an organisation to prosper in a marketplace that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. It is also the pattern of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving and even thinking or feeling.

Why is agile culture so critical to success?

The number of organisations that are going the agile way is ever increasing; more so, in the post pandemic era. Agility at an enterprise level involves adapting successfully to evolving structures, systems, processes and people practices.

Most of these changes fail due to the lack of supporting culture within an organisation. McKinsey recently studied 1411 respondents and asked them to list the top 5 challenges in an agile transformation. 76% of the respondents named ‘transforming culture and ways of working’ as the biggest challenge.

Applications of Agile Culture

Agile culture transformation works best with a strategic anchor in place. Here are some transformations that are heavily dependent on constructive, agile cultures.

Mergers & Acquisitions​

The criteria for measuring M&A success is different today.  The steps involved in such a
“waterfall” approach are restrictive and intolerant towards changes.


Practicing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is an evolving process that hinges on a strong culture that is enabling, collaborative, inclusive and self-actualizing.

Change Management

Agile cultures depend on resilience & fail-fast mindsets that help teams experiment, learn and improve, repetitively. Any other way is simply unviable.

Customer Experience

Customer experience is speedily changing with new demands and increase in competitive activities. Agile culture is a powerful enabler for a robust CX transformation.

Agile Implementation

On starting an agile transformation, many organizations adopt several agile frameworks. None of these frameworks deliver results until supported by the right culture.

OKR Implementation

OKRs tend to require transparency, discipline, collaboration and focus. With archaic leadership and a toxic culture, implementing OKRs is but a distant dream.

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